Saturday, February 21, 2009

March Encounter

BREAKTHROUGH! That is all I heard. Shortly after last month’s Encounter I started asking the Lord, “What’s next?” “Breakthrough!”. My reaction was one of disappointment (out of ignorance of course), I said, “But Lord, we just did “addictions” isn’t that about the same thing…?” He said nothing more.

I sought the council of a friend who I trust to hear clearly from the Lord and he said, “Yes, I believe that breakthrough is to be the subject for your next Encounter”. While this didn’t shed a whole lot of light on the topic, I at least felt confirmation that I heard correctly…now I just needed to understand.

I have known God long enough to know that when we are not on the same page it is my bookmark that needs to move, so I started asking around looking for a definition of Breakthrough. One friend painted a picture of standing at a starting line, leaning over, listening for and even hearing the starting pistol, but still being held back by some unknown force. Another said, “Coming out of the darkness and the things that have bound you up and stepping into the freedom to being healed”.

I was on my way back from praying over someone with a friend and God gave me a glimpse of another definition. I didn’t hear or see anything at all, but all of the sudden I had an understanding that my personal “breakthrough” could come in the form of the people that I pray over for their cancer to be gone actually starting to be healed. I believe it was at this same time that I was told not to define it, but just put it out there as “breakthrough”…people will define if for themselves.

So that is where we are…Encounter is going to be about BREAKTHROUGH! You can define it…I’m sure I’ll talk about it…but I believe God is going to PROVIDE it!

Come get yours...

\o/ Don

Wednesday March 4th 7:00 PM
3420 Glenmore Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45211

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Headache?

For several years now I have been praying for other’s headaches with great success. I don’t keep track, but if I had to guess, I would say that 95%-99% of those I pray for with headaches are completely relieved within three minutes.

This all started while doing emotional healing ministry years ago. While helping others receive healing from Jesus you sometimes “bump into” demons that don’t like restoration for their hosts. Quit often these pests will try to disrupt or distract the progress by causing pain, most often…headaches.

This behavior of our enemy pissed me off, because in the early days progress was not as quick coming as it is today, so disruptions were a pain (pun intended). I learned to stop momentarily to deal with the pest and then return immediately to whatever I was doing that caused it enough discomfort to act out. In this “ministry” setting, it was very easy to force the pain to leave and replace it with “peace and calm” because I knew the source was the enemy.

It didn’t take long for me to apply what I learned in the ministry setting to every other setting in life as well. Now, if we can avoid a medical and or theological debate, here is what I learned…if you assume that a headache is caused by “a spirit of darkness”…you can make it go away! You don’t have to learn its name, function, purpose, or when it got there. You don’t even have to hold your right hand in the air with two fingers and a thumb extended with a very serious look on your face, and you especially do not have to raise your voice (people with headaches don’t like when you yell…at that point you become the demon causing them pain).

Very simply, this is what I do…first I ask where their pain is specifically located. Next, very gently (I can’t stress this part too strongly, remember they have a headache and you are probably excited) very gently place your hands on their head where the pain is focused. Then say something to the effect of, “Whatever is causing this pain and pressure, I command you to leave right now in Jesus name”. I will often continue with, “You can’t shrink, you can’t move, you can’t hide…you have to leave completely in Jesus name right now”.

At this point I am done talking to the demon. You have to understand that your authority is perfect, because it is Jesus’ authority you are using! It is kind of like a General talking to a Private…he does not say, “Private, dig that hole…no really, start digging that hole now! I mean it, I command you to pick up that shovel and start digging…pick up that shovel now…okay then, right after lunch you get on digging that hole soldier”. How ridiculous! The General says, “Private dig that hole” and if the Private dares to question him at all it would only be to say, “How deep Sir” and he better be digging while he asks that question.

Now after commanding the to demon to leave, this is when you start praying, “Lord Jesus come, come by Your Holy Spirit and fill my friends head with your presence. Please Lord, push out this pain and pressure and replace it with peace and calm.” This can go on for a minute or so. At this point check in with your friend to see how they are doing.

Usually, by this point something is happening. If it moved…GREAT! You’ve got it on the run and it’s almost finished. Move your hands to the new location and pray, “Lord Jesus, I commanded this thing to not move and it moved, would you please come punish this disobedient thing and make it leave completely at this time?” They know they are in trouble when they are disobedient to Jesus’ authority…even if you are the one expressing it. Two things happen at this point…this one is in trouble and anyone else present is now paying close attention.

If their pain did not move, and is better, but not completely gone, continue praying for another minute, maybe mentioning to Jesus (but more for the hearing benefit of the demon) that you commanded this thing to not shrink, but to leave completely…again disobedience can be punished.

If nothing has changed with their pain at this point, ask Jesus to send an angel to enforce His authority that you spoke. We do not command angels, but they are available for our service…

Hebrew 1:14 “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”

The answer is yes they are if you are wondering. I was once told by a wonderful lady (who has a unique perspective because she lives inside of someone else) that there is nothing better to watch than a human sized angel, pick up by the collar, a demon the size of a battleship, and through it around like it’s nothing. Angels are good help!

After your friend’s pain is all gone, be sure to pray over them to be filled up with the Holy Spirit…we don’t want to leave any of their house empty for something else to come pestering.

I write all of this because this is not a gift for Don, but a power and authority that Jesus intended for all who follow Him. I believe every follower of Christ can have the exact same success I have praying for headaches…and who knows what else!

Now go get ‘em…kick some headache causing demon butt in the name of Jesus! And let us know how it goes after you do.

\o/ Don

Monday, February 2, 2009

Encounter Update...

I don’t have a new story to tell, but with Encounter just two days away I had to write with an update. I feel like God has been downloading early this month. He usually keeps me in suspense until the afternoon of Encounter, but lately I feel I have been getting more revelation around this every time I ask for it.

I drove to Columbus today with my wife-partner to deliver checks to my jobsite, so we had four hours to talk, and pray, and read. I’m seeing addiction busting stuff in scripture that I have never understood before. Reading through Romans 6&7 was simply enlightening. As I've shared before, I believe God wants to set people free from their addictions this month. That may not be the whole plan, but definitely part of it.

I can’t wait for Wednesday! There is so much going on in the spiritual realm right now that I am not even allowed to share all of it (because it personally involves others, not because I have secret revelation). Just in the last half hour God gave me another picture that I haven’t even prayed about yet. However, if it is from Him…this is going to be the greatest Encounter yet…and last month is going to be tough to beat!

Hope to see you there!

\o/ Don