Sunday, June 7, 2015

Spiritual Virtues: Discernment

Develop the ability to clearly obtain GOD’s direction; do not plot your own course.

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of GOD but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” 1Co 2:14

Most people are familiar with intellectual and experiential knowledge.  We have all received from these sources many tidbits of information that shape our lives.  If you are reading this writing, for example, you have used your intellect to study and learned to read.  You also have the experience of being with others while learning to read that no doubt added to your knowledge of interacting socially.  Less widely known is a third type of knowledge; spiritual.  While intellectual knowledge comes through study, and experiential knowledge by exposure, spiritual knowledge comes by revelation from the spiritual realm.  Discernment is the tool used to receive this information. 

There are many different things in this world that we can and should discern; such as true or false information, right or wrong actions, good or bad intentions, even holy or evil spirits, but none of these are our focus regarding the Spiritual Virtue of discernment.  For our purpose discernment refers to hearing the voice of GOD, following HIS lead, feeling HIS prompting, basically receiving whatever HE wants to reveal.  This can come through different methods such as visions, dreams, spoken words, thoughts, feelings, as well as simply pictures in your mind.  Learning to connect with the Spirit of GOD within us, and probably more importantly, trusting that we can hear HIM as HE wants us to, is essential.  “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

The bible is our absolute foundation of truth.  GOD will NEVER speak in conflict with HIS word.  Neither will HE speak new doctrinal revelation, because HIS word is perfect and complete.  However, we cannot receive specific personal instruction such as “Stop!”, “Go this way.”, or “Avoid that person!” from reading the bible.  JESUS said HE could only do what HE “sees HIS FATHER doing”…that didn’t come to HIM from reading scripture.  Paul, discussing his intentions, also said such things as, “If the LORD permits” and “If it be the LORD’s will”, again, not read from a book.  They followed the direct leading, prompting, and personal instructions of the spoken word of GOD.  While maturing Christians need diminishing step by step instructions, we are soon entering a season that this need will be even greater than it was in the very beginning.

There is no biblical formula for learning HIS voice.  As with anyone else, it takes spending time together for us to learn personal things about HIM.  However, I do not believe it is by accident that GOD had me put the spiritual virtue of discernment hot on the heels of faith and humility. “Without faith it is impossible to please GOD”, “GOD opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble”; clearly it is out of favor that HE reveals anything to us. 

Sin in our lives can interfere with our ability to discern HIS voice, so be sure to confess, repent, renounce as necessary as a preparation.  Worship music may be helpful, praying in tongues (if you do that) may be a good preparation, but I believe more than anything else, expect that you will hear from HIM.  People learn to discern GOD’s voice through different practices.  Most suggest it includes quieting themselves and scheduling intentional time to listen.  Having a pad of paper to write on can be helpful.  Not as much for writing down what you hear, but writing down distracting thoughts that will keep your mind busy otherwise.  Once written down, it seems we have our mind’s permission to stop thinking about it. 


Schedule some time to briefly talk, but then to listen.  Try some of the things listed above to help.  When this begins to get comfortable, ask HIM to also speak to you throughout your day with the small things of life, “Which way should I go home; Which line should I get into; What should I say to this person?”  See if you begin to notice GOD opportunities that you may have otherwise missed.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Spiritual Virtues: Humility

Understand the universal equality of each person’s worth; do not be prideful.

“Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.” Proverbs 22:4

After spending time focusing on our faith in GOD and who HE is, it is pretty easy for us to find our appropriate place of humility as we compare ourselves to HIM.  The more common problem we have with humility as it relates to GOD is understanding our roles.  God invites us to partner with HIM in supernatural ministry.  HE provides the “super” and we provide the “natural”.  When we are confused about our roles in this partnership we place too much emphasis on ourselves and what we need to be able to accomplish; we become fearful, knowing we cannot perform supernaturally.  We become too intimidated to even show up to do our natural part in healing, casting-out demons, evangelizing, or anything else supernatural.  Apart from Christ we have no ability to accomplish HIS call.  We must have faith that HE will provide the supernatural power when we are obedient to step into situations that are beyond our natural abilities.  Avoiding stepping into supernatural work because of fear of failure is a lack of humility; thinking our role is bigger than it actually is.

Our struggle with comparative humility is much more common as we look at our peers.  Pride is an obvious problem that often leads to arrogance.  Scripture cautions, “Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought…” and “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom”.  Pride is a lie that convinces us we have more worth than another because of who we are or what we have accomplished.  Worth is intrinsically equal in all human beings as each of us has been created in the image of GOD.  This is completely true in GOD’s eyes and it needs to become completely true in ours.  The opposite of true humility is most certainly pride, but so also is false humility.  Similar to pride false humility also is a lie.  It is used to manipulate others into boasting on our behalf.  By utilizing false humility one can often present an image of humility while setting others up to sing their prideful praises for them.  True humility is an honest assessment of our worth and our value at the same time.

  Contrary to our unchanging worth, value can change based on what GOD pours into each of us as well as what we do with it.  We can make choices that will vary how valuable we are in certain circumstances.  The more talents, gifts, blessings, and anointing HE pours into us, the more HE expects from us, but these things do not change our worth.  GOD knows exactly what HE has poured into each of us and what HE reasonably expects as a return on HIS investment.  If GOD expects a double return, the one entrusted with $100 returning $250, did much better than the one entrusted with $1,000 returning $1,500.  We do not know GOD’s investment or expectation of anyone and therefore are unqualified to judge the value of another.  “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall.”  Ro 14:4  While we can acknowledge value, our assessment of each other should be based on worth which is always exactly equal to our own.

Humility is not about having a lack of confidence, presenting yourself as incapable or incompetent, it’s about an honest assessment of where your confidence should be placed.  You can be humble and be bold.  Have a bold confidence that you can do what Christ has called you to because of what HE has poured into you.


Practice stepping where GOD is calling you beyond your natural ability, humbly trusting your part is much smaller than HIS.  “Be willing to associate with people of low position.” Ro 12:16, humbly understanding their great worth.  In truth, recognize that GOD’s unknown investment and expectation varies from one child to the next, but the ultimate price having been paid for each one is the same.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spiritual Virtues: Faith

Spiritual Virtues-Faith Know that HE is GOD; fear nothing else.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Heb 11:1

Faith and Hope are often confused one for the other, but they are kind of like twin sisters.  They look similar because they are of the same family, but are completely unique from each other at the same time.  The “family resemblance” is that both faith and hope are expressions of our relationship with the unseen reality (the supernatural). However, hope describes our desire for something to be a certain way; while faith describes our confident expectation and belief that it actually is a certain way.  Very often faith begins as hope (We “hope” GOD is real, for example).  As evidence emerges and experiences grow our hope converts to an unshakable personal faith (I KNOW GOD is real).  Others may not be able to understand how or why we have faith where they at best have hope, but it often comes down to personal experiences.  If you are seeking to convert your hope in GOD to a faith in HIM, reposition yourself to be fully open to an experience of HIM (Sitting in a church pew with arms crossed during worship is not a posture inviting experience as walking up front with arms raised would be, for example).

We are free to have faith in anything we choose.  The trouble with this is most things are not worthy of faith.  The bible describes the most common of these unworthy things as “the deceitfulness of wealth” and says, “You cannot serve both GOD and money”.  Bible believing Christians everywhere will say, “Amen!” while at the same time struggling with even the simple principal of tithing to say nothing of a truly sacrificial life-style.  There are many things in which we can place our faith inappropriately.  My intention here is only to list some examples… some trust is money for provision, doctors for healing, friends for encouragement, intellect for knowledge, experience for wisdom, intimidation for protection, volume for influence, muscles for strength, and pets for unconditional love.  Many of these are wonderful things, but each of them can fail us.  GOD will not fail us and HE should be our first trusted resource.  HE will often send us to utilize good things HE has put into our lives, but when they take HIS place of faith, it is misplaced.

HE is holy, all knowing, all powerful, perfectly just, truthful, completely loving, and trustworthy.


Practice turning to GOD first for all of your wants, needs, and desires because HE alone is most worthy of your faith.  This is NOT a test to see if HE will give you everything you want in the way and time you want; because quite frankly HE will NOT.  You see, HE is GOD and you are not.  HE knows much better than you do and HE loves you.  HIS timing, HIS ways, HIS answers are always better for you than what you want.  Trusting this to be true is the true test of YOUR FAITH, not HIS faithfulness. 

Practice this until it becomes a part of who you are…and then move on to humility.

Spiritual Virtues

GOD directed me to put together a list of “Christian Virtues”.  HIS message was that each of HIS children should study, meditate on, commit to, and master each one until it becomes an inseparable part of our lives.  Through much prayer and effort, I did.  I felt a confirmation in my spirit that it was good.  The list included…


The next morning GOD instructed me to throw it away.  HE said that was the list for the past 2,000 years.  HE said the times are changing and it is time for a new list, a list of “Spiritual Virtues”.  He instructed me to make a list that will safely guide HIS children into and through the coming age and to teach all who will listen to study, meditate on, commit to, and master each one, in its proper order.  Through much prayer and effort, I did.  I feel a confirmation in my spirit that the following list is good.

Faith:  Know that HE is GOD; fear nothing else.

Humility:  Understand the universal equality of each person’s worth; do not be prideful.

Discernment:  Develop the ability to clearly obtain GOD’s direction; do not plot your own course.

Wisdom:  Couple GOD’s direction with proper application; resist rash actions.

Courage:  Be willing to face difficulty and danger for GOD’s purposes; do not be intimidated.

Perseverance:  Continue on despite discouragement or delayed success; do not be overcome.

Encouragement:  Elevate others with confidence and faith in GOD’s plan; avoid doubt.

(I am putting together a teaching for each of these that can be used for study and meditation.  Please pray GOD directs my efforts in doing so.)